Establishment of SKAAUT S.r.l.s.

On 22/02/2022, palindrome date, the company SKAAUT – Simplified Limited Liability Company was established in Riccione, with a symbolic share capital of € 100. The company based in Genoa in via di Brera 2/11.

The company’s purpose is to manage its own or third party properties, to insert them into the world of tourism. Renting apartments for tourist use, holiday homes, villas, accommodation facilities that have the possibility of increasing tourist capacity.

Corporate mission, wants to be to professionally rent properties, and to put them in the tourist circuit, to be able to provide third parties with advice to make their properties suitable for being placed on the tourist market to transform them into a profitable asset. In this way the property owner will not have to think about anything, except to give us a mandate to rent his property, we will take care of everything, municipal practices, advertising on booking sites (OTA), check-in and check-out, cleaning and guest registration.

We have now acquired in the previous seven years the skills to best perform all the tasks needed to manage a property for tourist use and we know how to solve the most common problems, which is why the company was founded.